f0ll0wers cyuNK ~~

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Masuk SYURGA kerana BULU MATA ???

Diceritakan di Hari Pembalasan kelak, ada seorang hamba Allah sedang diadili. Ia dituduh bersalah, menyia-nyiakan umurnya di dunia untuk berbuat maksiat. Tetapi ia berkeras membantah. “Tidak! Demi langit dan bumi sungguh tidak benar. Saya tidak melakukan semua itu.” “Tetapi saksi-saksi mengatakan engkau betul-betul telah menjerumuskan dirimu sendiri ke dalam dosa,” jawab malaikat. Orang itu menoleh ke kiri dan ke kanan, lalu ke segenap penjuru. Tetapi anehnya, ia tidak menjumpai seorang saksi pun yang sedang berdiri.

Di situ hanya ada dia sendirian. Makanya ia pun menyanggah, “Manakah saksi-saksi yang kau maksudkan? Di sini tidak ada siapa kecuali aku dan suaramu.” “Inilah saksi-saksi itu,” ujar malaikat. Tiba-tiba mata hamba Allah tersebut bicara, “Saya yang memandangi.” Disusul oleh telinga, “Saya yang mendengarkan.” Hidung pun tidak ketinggalan, “Saya yang mencium.”

Bibir mengaku, “Saya yang merayu.” Lidah menambah, “Saya yang mengisap.” Tangan meneruskan, “Saya yang meraba dan meramas.” Kaki menyusul, “Saya yang dipakai lari ketika diketahui orang akan maksiat tersebut.”

“Nah! Kalau kubiarkan, seluruh anggota tubuhmu akan memberikan kesaksian tentang perbuatan aibmu itu”, ucap malaikat. Orang tersebut tidak dapat membuka sanggahannya lagi. Ia putus asa dan amat berduka, sebab sebentar lagi bakal dihumbankan ke dalam Neraka Jahanam. Padahal, rasa-rasanya ia telah terbebas dari tuduhan dosa itu. Tatkala ia sedang dilanda kesedihan itu, tiba-tiba terdengar suara yang amat lembut dari selembar bulu matanya: “Saya pun ingin juga mengangkat sumpah sebagai saksi.”

“Silakan”, kata malaikat. “Terus terang saja, menjelang ajalnya, pada suatu tengah malam yang lengang, aku pernah dibasahinya dengan air mata ketika ia sedang menangis menyesali perbuatan buruknya. Bukankah nabinya pernah berjanji, bahawa apabila ada seorang hamba kemudian bertaubat, walaupun selembar bulu matanya saja yang terbasahi air matanya, namun sudah diharamkan dirinya dari ancaman api neraka? Maka saya, selembar bulu matanya, berani tampil sebagai saksi bahawa ia telah melakukan taubat sampai membasahi saya dengan air mata penyesalan.”

Dengan kesaksian selembar bulu mata itu, orang tersebut dibebaskan dari neraka dan dihantarkan ke syurga. Sampai terdengar suara bergaung kepada para penghuni syurga: “Lihatlah, Hamba Allah ini masuk surga kerana pertolongan sehelai bulu mata.”

* Taubatlah dengan sebenar-benar taubat yang penuh penyesalan dan keikhlasan sebelum terlambat.. Allah itu Maha Pengampun....

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Peluang Menangi Ipad 2.Iphone,Laptop Percuma :)

salam jumaat smua... smoga d hari ini kita akan mdapat kberkatan dr-NYa... 
hari nie,myra nk kongsikan kat korang mengenai U-LIKE !!!

U-LIKE??? sound like great ya??? hehehe


Ulike.com.my adalah laman web untuk pengguna.
Laman web ini akan berkongsi maklumat, info terkini dan perkongsian ilmu mengenai pengguna dan barangan pengguna di Malaysia. Sekadar berkongsi apa yang terbaik dipasaran bersama ahli-ahli yang mendaftar mengenai barang-barang pengguna.
Apakah trend terkini. Produk kegilaan remaja contohnya. Mengetengahkan apakah produk-produk yang baik, produk yang berkualiti,yang tahan lama, produk-produk yang terlalu mahal, terlalu murah.
Ulike.com.my akan berkongsi tips membeli belah, pengurusan kewangan, bajet dan pelbagai bagi perkongsian dari kacamata pengguna kepada pengguna. Ahli Ulike boleh bertukar-tukar pendapat dan juga menyuarakan idea dan keluhan sebagai pengguna.

Ulike adalah percuma dan lebih hebat lagi memberi hadiah dan diskaun kepada ahli-ahli yang mendaftar dengan cabutan bertuah setiap bulan.
Ulike.com.my akan bekerjasama dengan pengeluar-pengeluar barangan pengguna untuk menyampaikan maklumat yang lebih tepat.
Mengupas maksud tersirat disebalik iklan-iklan atau promosi yang dilakukan oleh penjual. Memberikan penjelasan tentang produk dan servis yang dicadangkan kepada pengguna sebagai pembeli. Dengan ini pengguna lebih bijak memilih belian yang mana lebih baik dan bernilai untuk wang yang mereka keluarkan. Dengan usaha ini, pasaran pengguna (pembeli dan penjual) akan menjadi lebih matang dan secara tidak langsung menjadi pemangkin kepada ekonomi Malaysia.

Diharap dengan sokongan anda dan pengguna di Malaysia. Idea Ulike.com.my dapat mencapai matlamatnya dan bersama dikembangkan ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi. Memberi situasi menang-menang kepada pengguna dan peniaga. InsyaAllah.

Kelebihan Yang Anda Peroleh Melalui Pakej ULike.com.my
Anda berpeluang untuk menerima hadiah yang lumayan dengan tiada modal. Pendaftaran adalah percuma.
Kami menyediakan sistem website yang beroperasi 24 JAM, dan membolehkan anda menaja rakaniaga baru setiap masa dan selamat.
Setiap ahli yang mendaftar diberikan laman web PERCUMA untuk membantu anda mempromosikan laman web ULike.com.my kepada umum.
Dengan laman web percuma daripada ULike.com.my, anda berpeluang mendapatkan downline dengan mudah dan dibantu oleh upline dan admin ULike.com.my sendiri.

Tiga Langkah Mudah Untuk Anda Sertai ULike.com.my
Daftar percuma di  http://www.ULike.com.my/myra91 
Promosi laman web referral anda. Bina downline seramai yang mungkin.
Cabutan bertuah akan berlangsung. Jika rakan tajaan anda menerima hadiah daripada cabutan bertuah, anda turut menerimanya juga.

Promosi laman web referral anda. Bina downline seramai yang mungkin.
Cabutan bertuah akan berlangsung. Jika rakan tajaan anda menerima hadiah daripada cabutan bertuah, anda turut menerimanya juga.



Saturday, February 4, 2012

Salam Maulidur Rasul

Pada suatu hari, ketika Aishah menjahit baju pada waktu sahur, tiba-tiba jarumnya terjatuh. 

Secara kebetulan, lampu yang dipasang sejak tadi dipasang. 

Nabi Muhammad masuk dalam kegelapan tetapi wajahnya yang bercahaya itu menyebabkan

 Aisyah berjaya mengutip kembali jarum yang terjatuh.

“Wahai Muhammad, alangkah bercahayanya wajahmu,” kata Aisyah.

Kemudian, dia menyambung, “Siapakah yang tidak akan melihatmu pada hari kiamat?”

Nabi Muhammad menjawab, “Orang yang bakhil.”

Aisyah bertanya lagi, “Siapakah orang yang bakhil?”

“Orang yang bakhil itu ialah orang yang tidak mengucap selawat ke atasku apabila mendengar namaku disebut,” jawab Nabi Muhammad.

*Allahumma solli 'ala saiyyidina Muhammad

Friday, February 3, 2012

Kisah Benar "Bahaya Kepak Ayam Pada Wanita"

Kisah Benar "Bahaya Kepak Ayam Pada Wanita"...

Hye smua...saja je myra nk kongsikan pd korang pasal kepak ayam nie...sbb last day,ustazah xkasi kaum hawa mkn kepak ayam sangat..x tau la apa sbb...sbb tu myra brusaha cari dlm internet..hehehe.... kaum hawa saja tau... yg laki blh.... & laki lbh d galak kn makan bawang besar/bawang bakong... hehehe... klau nk tau knapa,cari lah sendiri  ye... <^_^>..okay2jom fokus pada bab kepak ayam ...

Pertumbuhan sista(cyst) dalaman. Elakkan daripada memakan kepak ayam (chicken wing) dengan kerap terutamanya kaum wanita.

Kisah Benar, Seorang rakan baru-baru ini mempunyai ketumbuhan dalam rahim, dan dia menjalani pembedahan untuk membuang sista tersebut. Sista yang dikeluarkan adalah dipenuhi dengan darah yang berwarna gelap.


Dia menyangka bahawa dia akan pulih selepas pembedahan tetapi jangkaannya salah. Ketumbuhan berlaku hanya beberapa bulan kemudian. Beliau bergegas turun ke pakar sakit puan itu untuk bertanyakan masalahnya. Semasa rundingan, doktor bertanya soalan yang memeranjatkan beliau.

Doktor bertanyakan adakah dia adalah seorang pengguna yang kerap memakan kepak ayam dan dia menjawab ya, tertanya-tanya tentang bagaimana, dia tahu tabiat makannya. Sebenarnya pada hari ini ayam disuntik dengan steroid untuk mempercepatkan pertumbuhan mereka supaya keperluan masyarakat ini dapat dipenuhi. Keperluan ini adalah tidak lain daripada keperluan untuk makanan.

Ayam-ayam yang disuntik dengan steroid biasanya disuntik di leher atau kepak. Ini disebabkan di tempat-tempat ini bahawa kepekatan tertinggi steroid wujud. Steroid ini telah menyebabkan kesan ke atas badan kerana ia mempercepatkan pertumbuhan.

Ia mempunyai kesan yang lebih berbahaya dalam kehadiran hormon wanita, ini membawa kepada wanita yang lebih cenderung untuk pertumbuhan sista yang di dalam rahim. Oleh itu, saya menasihati orang di luar sana untuk melihat diet mereka dan juga mengurangkan kekerapan mereka memakan kepak ayam.


credit to : misteriousgrapersz.blogspot.com

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wajah Kartun apabila Tua


Pasti zaman kanak-kanak korang dipenuhi dengna dunia kartun  kan? Huhuhu.. 
Ala jangan nak tipulah... Pagi-pagi mesti dah terpacak depan TV..  Kalau macam aku dulu... Pukul 9.00 pagi Sabtu aku dah terpacak nak tengok Chibi Maruku Chan, Dragon Ball dan macam-macam lah.. Huhuhu.. Mesti korang pun ada jugak wat cam tu kan? huhuhu..

Tapi, pernah tak korang bayangkan, bagaimana rupa kartun-kartun yang korang minat tu, bila sudah beranjak ke usia tua? Huhuhu..
Di bawah ni, ada beberapa watak kartun yang digambarkan ketika mereka tua.. 
Tak banyak pun.. Sikit jerk.. Jom  tengok..


Ha, korang mesti kenal kartun burung kuning ni kan? Comel sangat masa muda dulu.. Sangat bijak untuk mengelakkan diri dari dimakan kucing atau anjing..huhuuhh...

Ha, semestinya ramai yang suka dengan anak patung barbie ni kan? Tak pun selalu jerk terpacak depan TV waktu cuti sekolah.. Nak tengok kartun barbie kat TV3.. Barbie as Rapunzel lah, cam-cam lah...

3. Hulk
Kartun atau watak movei berwarna hijau yang kuat..huhuhu..
4. Superman
Yeah..kartun ni pun ramai yang suka..Terutama movie nya..huhuh.
. Sampai ada orang buat teka-teki yang agak sengal-sengal ubi...
Banyak-banyak orang, orang apa paling bodoh?
Jawapan : Superman..Sebab dia pakai seluar dalam kat luar..
Hahahaah.. MOTIF?

apa2 pun ..enjoy k.. jgn lah jd superhero klau x dah x larat..hehehe...
ok... bbye smua...

creadit to : cikgu fiq :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Bipolar Transistor Tutorial, The BJT

Bipolar Transistor Basics

In the Diode tutorials we saw that simple diodes are made up from two pieces of semiconductor material, either silicon or germanium to form a simple PN-junction and we also learnt about their properties and characteristics. If we now join together two individual signal diodes back-to-back, this will give us two PN-junctions connected together in series that share a common P or N terminal. The fusion of these two diodes produces a three layer, two junction, three terminal device forming the basis of a Bipolar Junction Transistor, or BJT for short.
Transistors are three terminal active devices made from different semiconductor materials that can act as either an insulator or a conductor by the application of a small signal voltage. The transistor's ability to change between these two states enables it to have two basic functions: "switching" (digital electronics) or "amplification" (analogue electronics). Then bipolar transistors have the ability to operate within three different regions:
  • 1. Active Region   -   the transistor operates as an amplifier and Ic = β.Ib
  • 2. Saturation   -   the transistor is "fully-ON" operating as a switch and Ic = I(saturation)
  • 3. Cut-off   -   the transistor is "fully-OFF" operating as a switch and Ic = 0
Bipolar Transistor
Typical Bipolar Transistor
The word Transistor is an acronym, and is a combination of the words Transfer Varistor used to describe their mode of operation way back in their early days of development. There are two basic types of bipolar transistor construction, PNP and NPN, which basically describes the physical arrangement of the P-type and N-type semiconductor materials from which they are made.
The Bipolar Transistor basic construction consists of two PN-junctions producing three connecting terminals with each terminal being given a name to identify it from the other two. These three terminals are known and labelled as the Emitter ( E ), the Base ( B ) and the Collector ( C ) respectively.
Bipolar Transistors are current regulating devices that control the amount of current flowing through them in proportion to the amount of biasing voltage applied to their base terminal acting like a current-controlled switch. The principle of operation of the two transistor types PNP and NPN, is exactly the same the only difference being in their biasing and the polarity of the power supply for each type.

Bipolar Transistor Construction

Transistor Construction

The construction and circuit symbols for both the PNP and NPN bipolar transistor are given above with the arrow in the circuit symbol always showing the direction of "conventional current flow" between the base terminal and its emitter terminal. The direction of the arrow always points from the positive P-type region to the negative N-type region for both transistor types, exactly the same as for the standard diode symbol.

Bipolar Transistor Configurations

As the Bipolar Transistor is a three terminal device, there are basically three possible ways to connect it within an electronic circuit with one terminal being common to both the input and output. Each method of connection responding differently to its input signal within a circuit as the static characteristics of the transistor vary with each circuit arrangement.
  • 1. Common Base Configuration   -   has Voltage Gain but no Current Gain.
  • 2. Common Emitter Configuration   -   has both Current and Voltage Gain.
  • 3. Common Collector Configuration   -   has Current Gain but no Voltage Gain.

The Common Base (CB) Configuration

As its name suggests, in the Common Base or grounded base configuration, the BASE connection is common to both the input signal AND the output signal with the input signal being applied between the base and the emitter terminals. The corresponding output signal is taken from between the base and the collector terminals as shown with the base terminal grounded or connected to a fixed reference voltage point. The input current flowing into the emitter is quite large as its the sum of both the base current and collector current respectively therefore, the collector current output is less than the emitter current input resulting in a current gain for this type of circuit of "1" (unity) or less, in other words the common base configuration "attenuates" the input signal.

The Common Base Transistor Circuit

Common Base Configuration
This type of amplifier configuration is a non-inverting voltage amplifier circuit, in that the signal voltages Vin and Vout are in-phase. This type of transistor arrangement is not very common due to its unusually high voltage gain characteristics. Its output characteristics represent that of a forward biased diode while the input characteristics represent that of an illuminated photo-diode. Also this type of bipolar transistor configuration has a high ratio of output to input resistance or more importantly "load" resistance (RL) to "input" resistance (Rin) giving it a value of "Resistance Gain". Then the voltage gain (Av) for a common base configuration is therefore given as:

Common Base Voltage Gain

Common Base Voltage Gain
Where: Ic/Ie is the current gain, alpha (α) and RL/Rin is the resistance gain.
The common base circuit is generally only used in single stage amplifier circuits such as microphone pre-amplifier or radio frequency (Rf) amplifiers due to its very good high frequency response.

The Common Emitter (CE) Configuration

In the Common Emitter or grounded emitter configuration, the input signal is applied between the base, while the output is taken from between the collector and the emitter as shown. This type of configuration is the most commonly used circuit for transistor based amplifiers and which represents the "normal" method of bipolar transistor connection. The common emitter amplifier configuration produces the highest current and power gain of all the three bipolar transistor configurations. This is mainly because the input impedance is LOW as it is connected to a forward-biased PN-junction, while the output impedance is HIGH as it is taken from a reverse-biased PN-junction.

The Common Emitter Amplifier Circuit

Common Emitter Configuration

In this type of configuration, the current flowing out of the transistor must be equal to the currents flowing into the transistor as the emitter current is given as Ie = Ic + Ib. Also, as the load resistance (RL) is connected in series with the collector, the current gain of the common emitter transistor configuration is quite large as it is the ratio of Ic/Ib and is given the Greek symbol of Beta, (β). As the emitter current for a common emitter configuration is defined as Ie = Ic + Ib, the ratio of Ic/Ie is called Alpha, given the Greek symbol of α. Note: that the value of Alpha will always be less than unity.
Since the electrical relationship between these three currents, Ib, Ic and Ie is determined by the physical construction of the transistor itself, any small change in the base current (Ib), will result in a much larger change in the collector current (Ic). Then, small changes in current flowing in the base will thus control the current in the emitter-collector circuit. Typically, Beta has a value between 20 and 200 for most general purpose transistors.
By combining the expressions for both Alpha, α and Beta, β the mathematical relationship between these parameters and therefore the current gain of the transistor can be given as:

Relationship between Alpha and Beta
Common Emitter Current Gain

Where: "Ic" is the current flowing into the collector terminal, "Ib" is the current flowing into the base terminal and "Ie" is the current flowing out of the emitter terminal.
Then to summarise, this type of bipolar transistor configuration has a greater input impedance, current and power gain than that of the common base configuration but its voltage gain is much lower. The common emitter configuration is an inverting amplifier circuit resulting in the output signal being 180o out-of-phase with the input voltage signal.

The Common Collector (CC) Configuration

In the Common Collector or grounded collector configuration, the collector is now common through the supply. The input signal is connected directly to the base, while the output is taken from the emitter load as shown. This type of configuration is commonly known as a Voltage Follower or Emitter Follower circuit. The emitter follower configuration is very useful for impedance matching applications because of the very high input impedance, in the region of hundreds of thousands of Ohms while having a relatively low output impedance.

The Common Collector Transistor Circuit

Common Collector Configuration

The common emitter configuration has a current gain approximately equal to the β value of the transistor itself. In the common collector configuration the load resistance is situated in series with the emitter so its current is equal to that of the emitter current. As the emitter current is the combination of the collector AND the base current combined, the load resistance in this type of transistor configuration also has both the collector current and the input current of the base flowing through it. Then the current gain of the circuit is given as:

The Common Collector Current Gain

Common Collector Gain
Common Collector Current Gain

This type of bipolar transistor configuration is a non-inverting circuit in that the signal voltages of Vin and Vout are in-phase. It has a voltage gain that is always less than "1" (unity). The load resistance of the common collector transistor receives both the base and collector currents giving a large current gain (as with the common emitter configuration) therefore, providing good current amplification with very little voltage gain.

Bipolar Transistor Summary

Then to summarise, the behaviour of the bipolar transistor in each one of the above circuit configurations is very different and produces different circuit characteristics with regards to input impedance, output impedance and gain whether this is voltage gain, current gain or power gain and this is summarised in the table below.

Bipolar Transistor Characteristics

The static characteristics for a Bipolar Transistor can be divided into the following three main groups.
Input Characteristics:- Common Base  - ΔVEB / ΔIE
  Common Emitter  - ΔVBE / ΔIB
Output Characteristics:- Common Base  - ΔVC / ΔIC
  Common Emitter  - ΔVC / ΔIC
Transfer Characteristics:- Common Base  - ΔIC / ΔIE
  Common Emitter  - ΔIC / ΔIB

with the characteristics of the different transistor configurations given in the following table:
Input ImpedanceLowMediumHigh
Output ImpedanceVery HighHighLow
Phase Angle0o180o0o
Voltage GainHighMediumLow
Current GainLowMediumHigh
Power GainLowVery HighMedium

In the next tutorial about Bipolar Transistors, we will look at the NPN Transistor in more detail when used in the common emitter configuration as an amplifier as this is the most widely used configuration due to its flexibility and high gain. We will also plot the output characteristics curves commonly associated with amplifier circuits as a function of the collector current to the base current.

creadit to : electronic tutorial 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hafiz Juara AJL....

12 Finalis berentap pada Malam ini dan sebentar lagi kita akan dapat mengetahui lagu manakah yang bakal bergelar Juara Lagu bagi Tahun 2011.

Keputusan Penuh Anugerah Juara Lagu Ke 26 [AJL 26] yang di adakan sebentar tadi:-

Juara             :  Awan Nano [Hafiz/M.Nasir/Budi Hikayat]

Naib Juara    : Beribu Sesalan – 3 Suara[Jac, Ning Baizura & Shila]
Tempat Ke 3  : Karma – Faizal Tahir/Audi Mok

  Persembahan Terbaik : Alyah – Kisah Hati

Vokal Terbaik : Hafiz – Awan Nano
Anugerah Juara Mobile Celcom: Sedetik Lebih/Edry Abdul Halim
apa2 pun..cayalah ngn Hafiz AF7... Biar simple, Janji power + Gempak... hehe... cayalah..org sarawak support kitak...hehe... balit sarawak spon laksa Pak Amit k.... :) 
 oklah...myra tinggalkan post nie...dengan lagu Awan Nano k...tata..gud nite... & last, 4 myra tlupa...thank 2 cuwada ahmad & eiyra rashid coz temankan myra tgok AJL... :)

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